Blogaholic Designs”=

Friday, July 23, 2010

Boutique Hairbows

My little niece Ellysia loves everything girly...she's such a princess. So when I began learning to make those frilly, sparkly hairbows, I thought of her. I've even began adding beautiful feathers and lace. Pretty enough for a princess! 

And for her birthday, of course she received hairbows and her first pearl necklace.  The hairbows may not last until she's 50, but the pearl necklace I made for her will.  I'll definately blog later about heirloom items of the future.  But we had a birthday party for her, including a made from scratch birthday cake...and a wonderful sit down dinner with family.  A truly fabulous day!

But back to hairbows...I love the double and triple layered styles, and I've made my own style by adding little jewels and beads.   And of course, I enjoy running the new style by my "Elyssia meter".  Hey, if it gets the approval of my neice, you know it's styling!

For more pics of hairbows, please see my Etsy page,

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