Blogaholic Designs”=

Boutique Hairbows

Everyone has saw at one time or another (and maybe even worn a few) those frilly, beautifully stylish hairbows.  Alright, I guess the "beautifully stylish" would be in the eyes of the beholder, but I think they're fabulous...especially on my little niece who wants to grow up and be a princess or ballerina.  A year back, I entered her in a Little Miss Beauty pageant.  Much to my family's shock, when Elyssia was all dressed up with hair and makeup, at age 6 she looked more like 14.  OMG! was the expression most gave me when I corrected them as to her age.  But the reason for mentioning my little beauty queen in training is because she is completely girly and loves all things lacey, sparkly and "with bling".  So when I began thinking about trying my craftiness at making boutique style hairbows, Elyssia came to mind.  And after constructing several, I found that all types of mediums can be used and look gorgeous.  Hence, I've been happy as a little lark folding, clipping, gluing, and tinting all different types of hairbows.  And as soon as I take a break from crafting, I'll take pictures and post them.  Maybe inspire someone else along the way.  
Happy crafting!!

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