Blogaholic Designs”=

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Beautiful Beaded Bracelets

The first time I saw a seed beaded bracelet, I thought to myself  "my gosh, those beads are really small", and the urge to jump in and try my hand at making anything with them just wasn't there.  But over a period of time, and after making several pieces of jewelry, I have immersed myself into learning. 

Once I began delving into the seed bead world, I was amazed at how much there was too learn and how truly intricate a design can be.  But I've grown to love working with them.  I began using larger size beads (6), and have gradually worked up to projects calling for size 13 and 15s.  We'll see how that adventure works out.  But for now, 8s and 11s are still my favorite sizes.  And I should mention there are bunches of different stitches to favorites (so far) being Herringbone and St. Petersburg.  So many stitches, so little time.  But below are a few of my projects I've completed, and I've also added a few of them to my Etsy store.

I especially love bracelet cuffs. 

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