Blogaholic Designs”=

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My Crochet Circle

Just recently, I began teaching my keen little niece how to crochet.  She's 9 years old, and right in the middle of those curious years where children want to know and participate with projects grown ups are into.  I gave her a size G hook, and a small skeen of yarn to practice on.  We began with a simple chain stitch, and how to best hold your hook, yarn and fingers, so that everything works together.  I had long forgotten how challenging learning this craft can be for someone new.  But by the end of a couple hours, my niece was making big chain loops and settling on how to best hold the crochet hook for herself.  She was so intent on making that chain, and amazed when she'd look at the length it was beginning to grow.  She also informed me she wanted to learn to make mittens, but for now she was content with the stitch she was learning.  I was amazed at her determination and intensity of wanting to learn, and I believe she'll actually stick with it. 

My grandmother began teaching me to crochet when I was smaller than my niece.  I would sit for hours watching her make granny squares and circles, stitching in an out of her squares until a beautiful doily would emerge.  I'm not sure exactly how long it took me to really do well with crochet stitches, but by fifth grade, I was crocheting my own ripple stitch afghan.  My stitches weren't perfect, but I kept practicing at making my stitches neat and tight.  The craft has stayed with me throughout my life, and even today I still love it. 

One of my most recent projects has been a new fingerless glove pattern.  My husband actually had the idea of making a pair of gloves that still gave the wearer the ability to text and make cellular calls without having to take the gloves off.  So, I've been perfecting a pattern I have.  I realize fingerless gloves are not a new idea in the fashion world, but these are the first ones I've made.  And since I also make jewelry, this has given me the means to add several unique embellishments you can't buy in a store.   Also a plus, the quality is tops and if taken care of, the handmade gloves will last for a very long time.  Afterall, handmade accessories are an investment, and investments should last. 

This is one of my glove sets.  I realize white may not be for everyone, but these turned out awesome!  I love the contrasting color and trim.  And the button flower and pearl dangles were icing.  It was also fun using a variety of stitches, and now I have a pair of gloves uniquely me...or you, if you pick up a pair from my Etsy store.  In fact, I like this particular pattern so well, I made a hat to match. 

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