Blogaholic Designs”=

Friday, October 8, 2010

Feather Fascinators

Can a girl ever have too many accessories?  Hmmmm, I just don't think so.  However, I also believe you should choose an accessory that says oodles and oodles about your personality...but having it just because you like it is okay too.  One item of late that has really garnered my attention are feather fascinators.  So delicate, and yet so bold.  There are endless combinations.  One of my projects has been to make a headband, clip, comb, etc. and include a complimentary feather or grouping of feathers to add dimension.  I am very pleased with my results so far.  Very beautiful, and such a versatile medium to use. 

I've included a few pictures of projects I've finished.  For more pictures, please visit my Etsy store, where I've even added a line of "Little Darling Divas" .  Sooooooo cute!!!!

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