Blogaholic Designs”=

Sunday, October 3, 2010

My Friend Clay

Over the past 8 to 10 months, I've began seriously working with polymer clay.  I had no idea there was so much that could be done with it, until I really got into classes and tutorials.  I'm actually learning to make faux stones like Jade, Jasper, Abalone, Quartz - well you get the idea.  So today I tried making a polymer clay bezel by free hand sculpting...and I do believe this is going to be a blast.  I really only made 3 that I was satisfied with, and I decorated them with swirls, geometric shapes and roses...very cool.  I especially enjoyed making the flowers.  The last bezel of the evening looks like metal, but of course it isn't.  Polymer clay as a medium is amazing!  I would encourage anyone who's ever wondered what working with clay would be like to go for it...I think you'll be happy.  And, there are lots of classes, books, magazines, blogs and online tutorials that can really help. 

I'll try and post a few pictures when the project is done.  Such fun!!

Next time I plan to go on about Tree of Life circles (or in my case, lots of different geometic shapes) and how to make one into a cool pendant...oh my, how pretty, pretty!!

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