Blogaholic Designs”=

Friday, October 1, 2010

Oh Cameo, Wherefore Art Thou Oh Cameo

As a kid, the first time I saw a cameo pendant was in a jewelry store window.  Gees, how pretty it seemed to be, and so expensive.  Being a child and looking at it from a child's perspective, I couldn't fathem how someone could afford a piece of jewelry like that.  I had no idea then about the world of crafts or creating jewelry that would come to me later as an adult.  So I can only imagine what I would have thought had someone told me that one day I could just make my own.  And so now, I have delved into that magical world of sparkly ornaments called cameos, and have found that not only do I love them just as much, but they can be affordable.  My designs to date have been less than perfect (at least to me, my husband says they look great), but with each batch of clay castings, I get closer to reaching my goal of perfection.  I have also found the traditional cameo (a lady's face) isn't my only favorite, and like trying to choose a favorite color, I like several designs from flowers to butterflies and even a unicorn.  Who knew there could be such a massive variety?? 

My goal is to have a perfect cameo to attach as a pendant to a variety of different mediums, such as a velvet choker, semi-precious metal bezel, ribbon, lace or a seed bead project. And here's an example:

I recently cast a cameo butterfly that turned out pretty decent, but I'm hoping the next baking of clay jewelry turns out to be an even better fit. We'll see. If everything goes well, I'll post pictures of the finished piece. Wish me luck!

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