Blogaholic Designs”=

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Beautiful Beaded Bracelets

The first time I saw a seed beaded bracelet, I thought to myself  "my gosh, those beads are really small", and the urge to jump in and try my hand at making anything with them just wasn't there.  But over a period of time, and after making several pieces of jewelry, I have immersed myself into learning. 

Once I began delving into the seed bead world, I was amazed at how much there was too learn and how truly intricate a design can be.  But I've grown to love working with them.  I began using larger size beads (6), and have gradually worked up to projects calling for size 13 and 15s.  We'll see how that adventure works out.  But for now, 8s and 11s are still my favorite sizes.  And I should mention there are bunches of different stitches to favorites (so far) being Herringbone and St. Petersburg.  So many stitches, so little time.  But below are a few of my projects I've completed, and I've also added a few of them to my Etsy store.

I especially love bracelet cuffs. 

My Crochet Circle

Just recently, I began teaching my keen little niece how to crochet.  She's 9 years old, and right in the middle of those curious years where children want to know and participate with projects grown ups are into.  I gave her a size G hook, and a small skeen of yarn to practice on.  We began with a simple chain stitch, and how to best hold your hook, yarn and fingers, so that everything works together.  I had long forgotten how challenging learning this craft can be for someone new.  But by the end of a couple hours, my niece was making big chain loops and settling on how to best hold the crochet hook for herself.  She was so intent on making that chain, and amazed when she'd look at the length it was beginning to grow.  She also informed me she wanted to learn to make mittens, but for now she was content with the stitch she was learning.  I was amazed at her determination and intensity of wanting to learn, and I believe she'll actually stick with it. 

My grandmother began teaching me to crochet when I was smaller than my niece.  I would sit for hours watching her make granny squares and circles, stitching in an out of her squares until a beautiful doily would emerge.  I'm not sure exactly how long it took me to really do well with crochet stitches, but by fifth grade, I was crocheting my own ripple stitch afghan.  My stitches weren't perfect, but I kept practicing at making my stitches neat and tight.  The craft has stayed with me throughout my life, and even today I still love it. 

One of my most recent projects has been a new fingerless glove pattern.  My husband actually had the idea of making a pair of gloves that still gave the wearer the ability to text and make cellular calls without having to take the gloves off.  So, I've been perfecting a pattern I have.  I realize fingerless gloves are not a new idea in the fashion world, but these are the first ones I've made.  And since I also make jewelry, this has given me the means to add several unique embellishments you can't buy in a store.   Also a plus, the quality is tops and if taken care of, the handmade gloves will last for a very long time.  Afterall, handmade accessories are an investment, and investments should last. 

This is one of my glove sets.  I realize white may not be for everyone, but these turned out awesome!  I love the contrasting color and trim.  And the button flower and pearl dangles were icing.  It was also fun using a variety of stitches, and now I have a pair of gloves uniquely me...or you, if you pick up a pair from my Etsy store.  In fact, I like this particular pattern so well, I made a hat to match. 

Friday, October 8, 2010

Feather Fascinators

Can a girl ever have too many accessories?  Hmmmm, I just don't think so.  However, I also believe you should choose an accessory that says oodles and oodles about your personality...but having it just because you like it is okay too.  One item of late that has really garnered my attention are feather fascinators.  So delicate, and yet so bold.  There are endless combinations.  One of my projects has been to make a headband, clip, comb, etc. and include a complimentary feather or grouping of feathers to add dimension.  I am very pleased with my results so far.  Very beautiful, and such a versatile medium to use. 

I've included a few pictures of projects I've finished.  For more pictures, please visit my Etsy store, where I've even added a line of "Little Darling Divas" .  Sooooooo cute!!!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Loving The Tree Of Life

Until just a few months ago, I had never heard of "Tree of Life" jewelry.  I accidently stumbled across a tutorial on YouTube, where a lady named Sharon was making one.  Hence, I was bitten by the "must learn how to make that bug".  So to date, I have made a bunch and I love them all.  My husband suggested I make one into a window hanging (a small one of course, nothing to cover the entire window).  For my window project, I chose an apple tree.  The outer frame is 12 guage copper, and I used a complimentary color of craft wire to string crystals and form the tree.  Oh my, how very pretty it turned out, so I had to make another one...and then another...and then see the obsessive pattern here.  It was addictive!! 

I did make several changes to my pendants.  First I made the top have swirls and twirls, very artsy, and on others I formed a "v" or "m" shaped connector from which I attached it to a variety of stringing materials.  Very cool.  I also made different sizes with a variety of geometric shapes like a star.  I found I was only limited by my willingness to try a unique shape.   And the most fabulous part about the pendant was all the different beads, pearls, chips, crystals and colored wire combinations you could put together.  I have an apple tree pendant in my kitchen window right now that I put together with Swarovski crystals...sooooo pretty when the sun hits it! 

Hopefully this will inspire someone else to give the Tree Of Life pendant a try, or if you'd rather just buy one, please give my Etsy store a look...and if my Etsy store is sold out of the pendants, just email me and I'll add more.
Just one of my versions...the green crystals are beautiful when hit by sunlight. 

Sunday, October 3, 2010

My Friend Clay

Over the past 8 to 10 months, I've began seriously working with polymer clay.  I had no idea there was so much that could be done with it, until I really got into classes and tutorials.  I'm actually learning to make faux stones like Jade, Jasper, Abalone, Quartz - well you get the idea.  So today I tried making a polymer clay bezel by free hand sculpting...and I do believe this is going to be a blast.  I really only made 3 that I was satisfied with, and I decorated them with swirls, geometric shapes and roses...very cool.  I especially enjoyed making the flowers.  The last bezel of the evening looks like metal, but of course it isn't.  Polymer clay as a medium is amazing!  I would encourage anyone who's ever wondered what working with clay would be like to go for it...I think you'll be happy.  And, there are lots of classes, books, magazines, blogs and online tutorials that can really help. 

I'll try and post a few pictures when the project is done.  Such fun!!

Next time I plan to go on about Tree of Life circles (or in my case, lots of different geometic shapes) and how to make one into a cool pendant...oh my, how pretty, pretty!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Oh Cameo, Wherefore Art Thou Oh Cameo

As a kid, the first time I saw a cameo pendant was in a jewelry store window.  Gees, how pretty it seemed to be, and so expensive.  Being a child and looking at it from a child's perspective, I couldn't fathem how someone could afford a piece of jewelry like that.  I had no idea then about the world of crafts or creating jewelry that would come to me later as an adult.  So I can only imagine what I would have thought had someone told me that one day I could just make my own.  And so now, I have delved into that magical world of sparkly ornaments called cameos, and have found that not only do I love them just as much, but they can be affordable.  My designs to date have been less than perfect (at least to me, my husband says they look great), but with each batch of clay castings, I get closer to reaching my goal of perfection.  I have also found the traditional cameo (a lady's face) isn't my only favorite, and like trying to choose a favorite color, I like several designs from flowers to butterflies and even a unicorn.  Who knew there could be such a massive variety?? 

My goal is to have a perfect cameo to attach as a pendant to a variety of different mediums, such as a velvet choker, semi-precious metal bezel, ribbon, lace or a seed bead project. And here's an example:

I recently cast a cameo butterfly that turned out pretty decent, but I'm hoping the next baking of clay jewelry turns out to be an even better fit. We'll see. If everything goes well, I'll post pictures of the finished piece. Wish me luck!

My Passionate World Of Projects

Hmmmm, it seems my intentions of blogging a bit each day just didn't happen.  I'm resolving to do better - hopefully, I'll follow through.  So what to blog about my latest obsession that has taken over a bunch of my time...well, two passions really. 

First, I recently pulled the crochet needles back out, bought the yarn, printed out the patterns, and now it's time to crochet those very cool, fingerless gloves in one of my favorite colors.  Side note here, I've really tried to narrow my favorite color down to one, but no luck...I have at least three I love, love, love...and anyway, who made the rule you could have just one?  Okay, back to those gloves.  The pattern is one I found on YouTube, and as soon as I saw it I'm sure the dool began.  I'll try to post the link, just in case someone whats to give the gloves a try to .  And here's a cool picture example of how they should turn out....these aren't mine and I'm not trying to infringe on their creator, I just want to show the glove style.    

And here's a YouTube tutorial that goes step by step for making a close style that's super cool too. 

So many styles, so many opportunities to wear as cooler weather comes into season.  And Christmas, oh yes, what a wonderful gift to give. 

Now onto my second obsession as of late, fabric wrist cuffs.  Yes, I love the Edwardian styles, Victorian styles, SteamPunk, Free Style and all the others found somewhere in between.  But, I do have a favorite as of this moment...who knows about tomorrow.  Hence, my favorite is the delicate, lacey ones, sewn up with beautifully soft's important to have a fabric that doesn't itch skin.  I just finished a peachy pink pair adorned with ivory lace and satin trim, on which I used a hidden snap closure.  I do have plans for making another pair using a button closure.  Very cool too!  The wrist bands would be pretty with a sleeveless dress or blouse...but really, I'd wear these with my jeans to.  There's just so many combinations to create and sew!  I guess I'll just have to do them all.  Here's a picture that I found inspiring, but I changed the style quite a bit until I was happy with my end result...I forgot to charge my digital camera, so this pic will have to do for now.  Again, no copyright infringement intended...I just love the style. 

  And here's another example...the embroidered lace is lovely!!  And being able to work seed beads and rhinestones into the project...two other passions I enjoy...a gorgeous finished product.  Yep, I love the fabric wrist cuffs!!!

So there you have it, at least for today.  Now tomorrow, who knows what delightful new project I may crochet or sew myself into.